THIS IS A WIP!!! I sorta figured out how to code stuff better so ill be updating this with the old info and new stuff lol
What would you do if you loved something so much, but were so aware of how... fragile, how dangerous, that certain something is? You wouldn't go and touch it, would you? Of course not, you would never interact with it directly for fear of it breaking, bruising, biting, or worse- running away from you. Why go and ruin what you have because you want more- like the greedy little dissapointment you are, when you can instead... curb your apetite, so to speak. After all, you only need a little bit of reality to enhance the fantasy, right? Who cares if a few pens or tissues go missing? It's not like anyone pays attention to that stuff. Anything to keep yourself sane while not losing what you have, right? Now all you need to do, is make sure no one finds out! Keep the emotions in check juuust enough to not spill over into reality. Be sneaky and meticulouly careful with your missions to retreive more material to help you gaslight yourself; into thinking that certain something is going to be with you always- that it is with you always- so long as you have your little found treasures. I mean its not like that can be unhealthy or anything, right? I mean like, its not thaaat big of a deal guys- c'mon! Haha... hah... This... may be... a problem. If someones been watching you far closer than you initially thought... then what? Keep up the act? Or come clean? Are you imagining things because this is what you want? Who am I kidding- you shouldn't even want this to begin with, you freak. Although, humans are illogical beings by nature. If an emotion gets too strong, if the chances of taking that risk and actually getting more- attaining that fantasy- seems too tantilizing, too perfect... almost... probable? That the odds may be in your favor? What would you do?
Two young men have very simmilar answers to those questions. Unconventional answers, for sure. A young italian american socialite, always ready to ease through any situation and mingle with those around him- and a socially inept outcast thats just moved to the states from japan- attempt to be normal to varying degrees of success. When both of them, are anything but normal.
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Here are all the characters in this little story of mine!
You can click on the headshot profile to jump down to their segment.
- Nicknames: Vinny, Vince, Vin.
- Age: 21
- Height: 5'8"
- Weight: 155 lbs
- Pronouns: He / Him
- Sexuality: Gay Questioning
- Ethnicity: Italian American
- Languages: English only
Vincenzo is a character that has a lot of inner struggle both at home and in his mind. Outwardly he plays the role of a popular socialite, getting along with girls and guys alike- rarely making enemies. His wit and humor is his crux he uses to bounce from person to person, situation to situation. Though despite him playing all his cards "right" and getting nearly everything he's "supposed" to have.... he isnt satisfied.
He's a fairly well-balanced dude, he has quite the varied amount of interests, though he is pretty much a normie. He's very into sports, is insistent on getting a blue station wagon someday, and is mildly into fashion. Though he hasn't really explored that side of himself much. He plays the occasional video game, but most of his time is spent either working out, or watching shitty reality TV shows. That is- if he isn't trying to find some party or plan for the weekend where he can get out of the house and moving. He used to be kind of edgy when he was younger, but he's since grown out of all that.
His childhood dog Pepper is the only thing keeping him in the house, otherwise, he's so antsy he needs to get out.
The Ricci's
Stephen Ricci
Father of the Household
Angelica Ricci
Mother of the Household
Vito Ricci
Younger Brother
Matteo Ricci
Baby brother
Vincenzo Ricci
Oldest Brother
- Nicknames: Dai
- Age: 20
- Height: 5'3.5"
- Weight: 120 lbs
- Pronouns: He / Him
- Sexuality: Gay
- Ethnicity: Japanese
- Languages: Japanese, English
Daiki doesn't have too many different things going on, but what he does have goin on- is intense. He was always rather outcast even from his own peers back on his home soil, for whatever reason, he just can't seem to fit in with anyone. He already had low expectations when he came over to the US, but he wasn't anywhere close to prepared for how cruel some people were, the things they'd say, the things they would do... With a history of light bullying in his youth, he now has a history of severe bullying at the hands of one specific group of boys in his adolescence. While no one knows he's gay, one guy really likes picking on him, by insisting he must be- which does nothing for his nerves.
Once he was out of highschool and into college, things quieted down. He now lives a normal, uneventful life living alone with his Grandmother as some kind of social recluse. Even as a child, he would rather spend time reading, watching nature documentaries and playing board games with his family then going and interacting with his peers. They don't even find the joy in bugs or books, how sad.
Daiki is a very fun character in terms of his interests, he's pretty well spread. He's got this fixation with animals, bugs and nature in general, and he's got a whole repertoire of nerdy interests. Gaming, comics, reading all sorts of boring stuff and classic literature. He's also super into music, specifically, metal. He collects all kind of metal posters and cds to play on repeat. He loves to sing, (more specifically, scream and growl) and specifically takes a liking to karaoke, though he only ever went alone since he has no one to go with. Hes also fairly crafty- always writing something down, journaling, sewing and knitting things alongside his grandmother like an old man, he does all sorts of things! None of which involve going outside or speaking to people ever.
The Suzuki's
Deborah Kennedy
Grandmother (Fathers Side)
(Current caretaker)
Liam Kennedy/Suzuki
Father of the Household
Aika Suzuki
Mother of the Household
- Nicknames: Rose
- Age: 20
- Height: 5'2"
- Weight: 125 lbs
- Pronouns: She / Her
- Sexuality: Straight
- Ethnicity: Italian American
- Languages: English only
Sara is a good woman, always ready to help and assist anyone who may be down on their luck, and always giving second chances- even to people who may not deserve it. She's a well rounded woman, both career and family oriented, and generally stays out of trouble. That is, until she involves herself with the wrong crowd. The poor girl cant catch a break, if it's not shitty boyfriends, its friends that suck up far too much of her mental energy and time, rarely giving anything back in turn. Somehow, she manages to juggle a hundred favors at once, theres no one she can rely on more than herself.
Shes a naturally very crafty woman. She toils away at her sewing machine, and makes all sorts of things. Half of her wardrobe is hand made. She loves knitting, sewing and embroidery- yet shockingly, she started doing all these little crafts as a punk. While she may not look the part, and her family is comfortable, she remains an ideological punk. The remnants can be seen in her room, metal posters, an extensive collection of records and CD's, and a good collection of old band shirts and clothes. She isn't as extreme as she used to be, but her core beliefs remain. She uses her newfound skills to make gifts for her friends and papers her (if present) boyfriend(s) with gifts.
She spends most of her time making things, hanging out with her friends, or, if shes really feeling down, at home singing along to her music in her room.
The De Rose's
De Rose
Mother of the Household
De Rose
Father of the Household
- Nicknames: Lex, Lexi, Alex
- Age: 21
- Height: 6'0"
- Weight: 163 lbs
- Pronouns: He / Him
- Sexuality: Straight
- Ethnicity: African American
- Languages: English only
Alexander is a fairly carefree guy, he's not too energetic, but if he's dealt with too much stupidity from Peter in one day, you might hear him shout. Serving as a voice of reason, he tends to keep everyone around him in check- which is nothing less than exhausting. If he's not forcefully trying to rip a traffic cone that got stuck off of one of his idiot friends heads, he's listening to their problems and offering his advice, which, as any good friend would, doesn't mind it- but he really wishes they wouldn't spring it on him out of nowhere, or call at inconvenient hours of the day. No matter, so long as he can help the people he cares about, thats a small price to pay.
He's super into music, jazz and pop, he owns a guitar he treats as his prized possesion. He can play fairly well, and does so frequently. He also has an extensive CD collection of both homemade and collected CD's. He listens to all of them if he has the time, usually he spends his days helping his dear overworked mother around the house, working part time as a buddy's tire shop, trying to balance college work and a social life, and stopping both is father and sister from somehow injuring themselves or starting some kind of housefire on accident on a day-to-day basis.
The Harris's
Charles Harris
Father of the Household
Ann Harris
Mother of the Household
Alexander Harris
Eldest Son
Alexis Harris
Younger Sister (15)
- Nicknames: Pete, Petey
- Age: 23
- Height: 6'2"
- Weight: 143 lbs
- Pronouns: He / Him
- Sexuality: Assumed Straight
- Ethnicity: Ambiguously White
- Languages: English only
Peter... is certainly something. On the surface, he seems like the most absolute braindead guy you'll ever meet with a crippling addiction to weed. With absolutely no idea how to interact with other people, and barely passed school, he now attends college a few years later then the rest of his peers. He has no idea what he wants to do, and has never had a job, save for a single cashier job in highschool he got fired from almost immediately. His luck with women is abysmal and at this point he might as well recieve an award for pissing women off in the least amount of syllables. He currently is stuck in a tumultuous relationship with a girl who honestly really doesn't like him all that much, but he isnt letting her go.
One would attribute this to simple stupidity, with him being some kind of failure, and while that certainly is true to an extent, Peter isnt anywhere near the failure he could have been, lest he follow the path of his parents. Its a miracle he even survived past infancy, since his mother was barely concious enough to take care of him. Once a straightedge woman with a promising carreer and family ahead of her, now addicted to alcohol, cigarettes and heroin like her husband, who spends his time terorrizing the family if hes able to stay awake for more than half a day. Peter may not know much of anything, since no one was around to teach him anything. But what he does know, is that while he may be a weed addicted idiot with nothing going for him... he isn't his dad. That's gotta count for something, yeah? Plus he has friends now! So that must be good, right?
The McCarthy's
Jack McCarthy
Father of the Household
Lorraine McCarthy
Mother of the Household
Peter McCarthy
Only Child
All (mostly) finished artworks of them will be displayed here with a description!
They'll be (sort of) ordered with the latest art at the top and the oldest at the bottom.