Another silly. Vinny and Sara at some kinda party or prom or something. I saw the pic and it was literally them.Description
A silly.More drawings for a review thing. I kinda went crazy with these cause if you give me a chance to make shit of my OCs like... Im gonna go hard, like what did you expect
Chibis I made for standees since I'm working on a review thing. I'm diggin' this style im doing for them. It actually looks like a chibi I drew instead of mimicking what I know a chibi is supposed to look like.Description
A little fake screenshot thingy. Rising tensions and such.Description
This was my yearly halloween themed artwork, though this time I have my new OC babies to obsess over, so its's them. I always remember watching the Addams Family movies around halloween as a kid and thinking they were just kinda weird and cool- (nmely, gomez being weird and cool.) But I decided to rewatch it this year since I hadn't seen those movies in so long, and man... Gomez is such a stupid little manchild I love him so much LOL. I never realized how truly immature he was but in like a fun way? Not in a waponized imcompetence manchild way- but in a plays with trains and swords kinda way lol. The movie was wayyy weirder, saucier, and more entertaining then I remember it being as a kid (for good reason) but I pretty much decided then and there that Moriticia and Gomez were quite literally- them. Their entire thing is just.... it fits too much. Like come on, its literally two weirdos in love where theyre both crazy for each other like come ON. That and I think this may just be social dynamics, but Gomez' playful and kinda childish dramatic side really aligns perfectly with Vincenzo. Obviously it's far more overblown in the Addams family, but the concept is there. Coupled with Morticias calmer demeanor which mirrors Daiki bringing him back to reality, its... perfect lol.Description
Me desperately trying to make it clear he in fact, has curly hair that he combs out so he "loses" his curls by making them super stretched out.These were some expression things I did to try and really get a feel for the characters. Try and see what their "main" or "common" expressions would be. I'm particularly fond of Daiki's shocked expression and Vinny's where hes grabbing someones shirt.
A mid to low effort doodle of their mentalities playing games (that dont yet exist in the time period the story takes place in.) Daiki's chilling collecting his 5th black collar like a little pirate hunting for treasure- while vinny breaks his keyboard because those shoes are ofF THEME YOU FU-Description
Someones having a bad dream. I always loved dream sequences where characters start freaking out and shit starts coming to the surface, but at least with the things ive consumed so far- (which granted, isnt the largest array so this may be a fault of that)- I never feel like media takes dream sequences as far or as fucked up as they could. Which is probably by design, but like... I wanna like... make it weird. Make it just as nonsensical and panic inducing and unreal as actual dreams are. Especially if its being used as a device to show inner turmoil where all of these characters fears and desires can look them in the eye and confront them directly. fun. :)Description
This was Daikis counterpart to the dream thing. While he does have inner turmoil caused by outer stimuli, he's a lot more at peace in his inner world then Vincenzo is... ish. Peaceful-ish.Description
A doodle that gives a glimpse into whats goin on after the mataphorical credits roll. I drew this with it in mind that I just wanted to draw Daiki holding something, so I chose a mic- and initially I said I dont think that would be apart of his character at all, because I did just draw him like that- but eh..... I dunno now. It might be a thematic thing that would be chill to include.Description
Self indulgent. Thought it would be interesting to try and swap their roles since their whole story is tied inherently into gender, since sex and love end up artifically tied into gender thanks to sociey. So in this little swap Vinny is actually headstrong and very like... gung-ho about what she wants.Description
Expressions and such. The top left held up perfectly while everything else clearly aged.Description
One of the oldest drawings of them I ever made and posted to boot. You can tell its really old because it very on the nose to a fault, the characterization is more fixated on Daiki- specifically his "oddness" then on Vincenzo and their coupling, and they both have their old, poopy unstylized hair. I was trying to do a steven universe bubble hair thing with vincenzo for his curls (which at the time werent defined as actually very curly yet) so unfortunately it just kinda looks like you crapped on his head LOL or if you want a less gross example, melting ice cream.